Learn more about fraud protection and what you can do to help protect yourself from it.
Fraud Protection
- Layered security – We require Trusteer Rapport and security tokens for high-risk functions such as online wire and ACH capabilities.
- Data encryption – We use advanced encryption to help protect against unauthorized access.
- Credential protection – To protect the privacy of your login information, we will never ask for your ID’s, passwords, or token codes over the phone or through email or text messages.
- Product offerings – Mabrey Bank offers fraud protection services, including ACH Block and Positive Pay.
Fraud Detection
Online Security with Cash Management – Multi-factor security questions are set up per user and will be prompted to answer when an “out of pattern threat” is detected or ACH, Wire or Bill Pay transactions are submitted. A watermark image is placed on each page during your online session to show you have not been re-directed to another website. We offer IP and time restrict per user to restrict login access.
Best Practices
- Protect access credentials – Never give out passwords, ID’s, or token codes, or other authorization credentials. If you receive an e-mail, phone call or text message claiming to be your financial institution, asking for your credentials, it is most likely a “phishing” attempt. DO NOT respond to it. Contact your financial institution immediately.
- Strong internal controls – Implement dual control on all online payment services (ACH, wire, etc.). Reconcile accounts daily to detect any unauthorized transactions. Lock checks and any signature stamps in a secure location. Update antivirus and antispyware software and firewalls regularly.
- Educate your employees – Instruct your employees to never give out their credentials they use to access your online banking system or accounts. Remind them to not click on any links or download files from unknown sources.
- Know your employees – Perform a credit check and background check on all new employees who will have access to your accounts or cash. Call references to verify information.
- Keep account authorizations up to date – When an authorized signatory or online user leaves your company, notify your bank immediately to have them removed from all authorizations. Conduct an annual audit of all your bank signature cards, funds transfer agreements, online user access, and any other authorizations to ensure they are current.
- Verify your vendors – Require all changes to vendor payment account numbers to be made in writing on the vendor’s letterhead and verified with a call to the vendor’s telephone number in your files. You should always “verify before you initiate” and “verify before you approve”.
Contact us to learn more!