Payable Solutions
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ACH Services
Reduce Cost and Simplify Payments. Gain control and flexibility for your payable needs, such as a direct deposit for payroll, vendor payments or cash concentration.
The Automated Clearing House (ACH) is an electronic network that allows you to process credit and/or debit transactions conveniently through our commercial online banking platform. You can allow authorized employees’ access and each user can be assigned and or restricted to only those functions required for their specific duties.
With ACH Services you can pay your employees and vendors, or collect payment from your customers quickly and easily.
- Direct Deposit for Payroll – Offer direct deposit for your employees. Simply upload a file from your accounting/payroll software or manually enter transactions to process your payroll electronically.
- Disbursements/Vendor Payments – Pay individuals or corporate accounts by depositing funds into their accounts with ACH.
Business Bill Pay
Conveniently pay your bills online anytime, anywhere. To enroll, log in to your online banking account at and select the Bill Pay link to access the enrollment form or contact Mabrey Bank at 888-272-8866.
Business Bill Pay
- Save payee information for future payments
- Schedule one-time or recurring payments
- Include invoice numbers and credit memo information with each payment
- Easily review payment history and scheduled payments
- Expedited payments
- Payments can be funded from multiple deposit accounts
- Saves time, costs related to checks and postage
Online Wires
Our Online Wires allow you more convenience and flexibility than in-person transactions. Once a recipient is added, the details can be saved so you can easily send it next time. Contact our Treasury Team to get started.
Send wires electronically through your business online banking platform allowing you to quickly process
same-day domestic wire payments.
- Online wires offer a discounted fee
- Dual-control entitlements available
- Create templates for convenience on making future payments