Simplify your day and the management of funds by automating the movement of money from one account to another. You determine your target balances and excess funds can be used to pay down debt or transferred to an interest-bearing account.
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Dismiss NotificationCreate the banking experience that fits your needs
Simplify your day and the management of funds by automating the movement of money from one account to another. You determine your target balances and excess funds can be used to pay down debt or transferred to an interest-bearing account.
CDARS (Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service)
Safe and convenient way to have FDIC coverage on large deposit amounts.
Learn more about CDARS in this Youtube video!
ICS (Insured Cash Sweep)
ICS Sweep Accounts offer two types of setup. Each allowing you access to your funds while earning
interest on deposits placed into a Demand Deposit or Money Market deposit account.
Learn more about ICS in this Youtube video!